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- AHA ecard Certificate Copy
- You can retrieve your ecard for FREE by going to to search for your ecard.
Let us come to you and train your team!
10+ participants required depending on your location.
COVID-19: Our facility is kept clean with daily cleaning routines paying special attention after every class. Please follow current Face Mask State Mandates. We also have our own series of steps to stay clean throughout the class. Please look at our calendar on-line for available classes and skills test sessions, register and pay on-line. No walk-ins are allowed. If were to cancel any skills test sessions we will send an email to each student registered for the skills test during that day. Again, only those students who are registered and paid online will be allowed in classes and skills test sessions. Please read our full statement in our policy page. Thank you.
We’ve Moved, New Location:
CPR Class Today – 1100 Marshall Road, Unit C, Vacaville CA 95687
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday – 10:00am – 4:00pm | Friday – Saturday – 10:00am – 12:00pm
Business hours may vary depending on demand.
Best way to reach us is by email at:

Have a Question About Our Classes?
Call Now (707) 641-5520 And We’ll Answer All Your Questions.
[/plethora_headinggroup][plethora_button button_text=”Or Send Us An Email” button_link=”|||” button_align=”text-center” button_style=”btn-success” button_with_icon=”with-icon” button_icon=”fa fa-check” button_icon_align=”icon-left”]